マルチメディア Relation Of Perception76×204 cm (70×62.2cm, 51×115.5cm)Pictures2017 Animation With 50 Drawing -Movie-157x113x0.1cmacrylic paint and pen (Premiere)2017I made an animation from drawings and changed the colors on my computer. I sang an ironic song: “You cannot hear (from my teacher and family), You cannot hear but you should try (to study and connect with people that can hear), You couldn’t hear, but now you do. You couldn’t hear but you can, I can hear sound (after getting the Cochlea Implant), I can hear but I have to try, I cannot hear but I can do.” This is my story. I could always overcome my obstacles, and thus I am proud of who I am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UT1FVhAICI&feature=youtu.be Connection400x380x300cmMixed media 2017 Playful Glass Wall -Movie-280x325x100cmMixed media2017 Inner-A Small Knife In the Little BoxApproximately 250x300x5cmExpanding foam, latex, silicon, acrylic board, acrylic2017 My Inner Body73x60x8cmExpanding foam, fake grass, small animal objects, iPhone, latex, silicon2017 Sound Monster92x61x10cmExpanding foam, latex, silicon, dyed paper, metal sheets, red thread, sponge, acrylic2017 From A Vocal Cord To The Bowels95×52.5x12cmJapanese paper, ink, clothes, stocking, wire, acrylic2017 “You Cannot Hear”103 x137x2.3cm (5 canvas) 12.5x10cm(each circle objects)Oil on canvas, paper and garbage, acrylic, thread2017 Pain In The Head55x83x0.5cmOil paint, printed paper, thread on board2017 The Bridge 82x100x2.4cmOil on canvas, collage of Korean language and Japanese language2017 Progression From Silence To A World Of Sound100×246.7×2.3cmOil on canvas (three)2017I used oil painting on canvases. As I progressed, I added pink and other colors as I could hear the sound gradually. With this, I expressed a border of silence, and this is my process from being completely deaf to being able to hear, because of the different perceptions and feeling I lived through. I felt the dark world had no sound because of a lack of stimulus to the brain. In the medical report, the frontal lobe can be used strongly during deafness. However, the deaf can use the temporal lobe also through the ear after having a cochlea implant. Screen Of My Visual Perception90×91.7×0.4cmOil on MFD board2017 Box For Blocking Others Out In My Classroom61x 91.6×0.4cmOil on MDF board2017 The Inside Of My Ear96.5x258x0.1cmAcrylic on dyed Japanese paper2017